How does techsilen work? Tinnitus occurs in the limbic system of the brain, which is close to the ear. Ebselen is the main active ingredient in TechSilen. SPI-1005 is the main active ingredient in TechSilen. It effectively works on the area where tinnitus occurs and restores the damaged auditory nerve.
Say goodbye to tinnitus and have a quiet day! If other tinnitus treatments such as patches, drops or sprays don't work, don't lose hope. techsilen solves the core problem of experiencing a quiet day and deep sleep, improving daytime energy, relieving anxiety, and reclaiming your lost hearing!
Mild Tinnitus - One to two bottles are recommended, each bottle should be used in a cycle of approximately 2-3 days.
Severe Tinnitus - 5 bottles for a full treatment cycle. This is your best choice. This is the choice of 95.7% of tinnitus sufferers.
Tinnitus causes hearing loss - thousands of tinnitus sufferers attest to this. People with severe tinnitus usually return to normal life after 2-3 treatments.
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